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About Us

We are a group a voters in all ages from Geelong, the Bellarine peninsula and the Surf Coast who all agree on one thing: We cannot be passive bystanders while the Federal Election gets into gear - not without at least having done everything we can to try and change the outcome for the better.

Watch this four-minute video below, where Mike Lawrence, a former independent candidate in Corangemite, explains about our idea with mobilising our community, and about what we are aiming to achieve:

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The growth of community electorate groups over the past few years has been extraordinary. Starting with only a handful in 2019 - Indi and Warringah - leading up to the 2022 election, this expanded to around 20 groups, in electorates such as Wentworth, North Sydney, Mackellar, Goldstein, and Kooyong. Since then the groups have grown to around 40, and the number continues to grow. 

Voices of Corangamite aims to:

• ​Create space and opportunities to facilitate open discussion about important issues allowing representation for residents within the Federal electorate of Corangamite to participate in Australian democracy

• Support a community-nominated, independent candidate who will put climate and the needs of the Corangamite residents first

• Enable the voice of residents to identify key priorities and the platforms for the selected candidate to pursue in his or her election campaign and, once elected, in Federal Parliament

• Conduct its election campaign in creative and innovative way that reflects our community values.
Voices of Corangamite is part of a national movement - a community uprise. All around Australia right now groups of people are talking about who we want to represent us and what we would want the next government to look like. 

If you have been wondering why the major parties are so obsessed with fossil fuels, here is one of the major reasons why.


Our two major parties have collected over $1bn in undisclosed donations in 20 yrs. $100mil of that was in the 2018-19 election year. This is 40% of their income. Lobbying is a billion dollar industry. There are 3+ lobbyists for every politician in Canberra… But she'll be right. pic.twitter.com/xvd1igjIBs

— Christiaan Van Vuuren (@ChristiaanVanV) September 6, 2021
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👇 #GoldsteinVotes https://t.co/ibptRFHO6h

— Zoe Daniel (@zdaniel) February 5, 2022


We need all hands on deck!
Here's what we are looking for help with. Where can you see yourself fit in?


You are an organiser?
Help os mobilise volunteers and organise the work flow!


Help with door-knocking, handing pamplets out, hanging up posters, assisting at events, cooking...!


Help with spreading the message on social media, updating the website, writing newsletters, etc.


If you don't have time to support as a volunteer, you can donate to our group - or to Climate200.


To highlight where we are in need of assistance and support, as we get more and more volunteers and donors on board, you can see our current team configuration on this graph:



The next federal election will take place before July 2025. If we are to make a
significant difference, as we expect we will, we need to move fast. 

Australia's democracy is broken - and no one is coming to fix it, unless we 
do something about it.

In Greta Thunberg's words: "Democracy is everything. We can't save the
living planet without it.”

Climate action in Parliament
Integrity and truth in politics
Respect, equality and inclusion
Representing the community, not vested interests
See video